Opening time - BioscaBotey

Horario - Opening time

De lunes a viernes:
De dilluns a divendres:
From Monday to Friday:

10.30h - 19.00h
La tienda permanecerá cerrada:
La botiga estarà tancada:
The shop will be closed:

1 de enero/ 1th of January
Del 18 al 22 de abril/ From 18th to 22th of April
1 de mayo/ 1th of May
10 de junio/ 10th of June
24 de junio/ 24th of June
3, 10, 15 y 31 de agosto/ 3th, 10th, and 31th of August
Del 12 al 25 de agosto/ From 12th to 25th of August
11 de septiembre/ 11th of September
12 de octubre/ 12th of October
1 de noviembre/ 1th of November
6 de diciembre/ 6th of December
25 de diciembre/ 25th of December